Monday, 21 October 2013

Thank you! [Editorial ]

I just wanted to take a minute to do a massive shout out to all the people who keep RGP humming along!

We have received all sorts of donations of various shapes and sizes, everyone has been received with gratitude.

Thank you to the marvellous Kathryn Woodhouse who got the ball rolling before the site was even a concept, your donation of a C64 was a catalyst to creating the site.

Thank you to brilliant Linton Gilmore for the amazing Super Ghouls And Ghosts on the SNES... The game is rock hard and I hope to do a video on it in the near future.

Thank you to the generous Luke Patrick Dunwell for sending me a circuit board for building the blog a 1541-SD2IEC for the C64 along with various components. This may take me a while, but I hope to write up a n00bs experience building it. Watch this space!

Thank you to the amazing Michael Hurst for donating a massive crate of C64 goodies, including a much needed 1541 floppy drive, a freezer cartridge, C64 computer and an assortment of documentation, floppy's & games. This is proving to be a very helpful donation in regards to reviews as the floppy drive is significantly more reliable than using casettes [or my line in mod]

... There are others, I am sorry if I have missed you out, I'll get you the next time!

I also would like to take a moment to thank the developers, sites and video contributors for their time and effort in supplying us review copies, links, interviews & video - if we didn't have content, there wouldn't be a whole lot of point in what we do here!

Finally, Thank you readers for making the site a pleasure to write for and maintain. Its always a pleasure to receive emails & Tweets from you.

Should you wish to get involved, donate, contribute or have us review your game - please contact us on


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