Saturday, 2 November 2013

Game Hunt - Basingstoke 02/11/13

Typical drizzly day in old Basingstoke today, so why not go on a raid? Basingstoke is always a fun place to hunt for old games, the local CEX has a fair few but the real bargains are normally found in the charity shops...

British Heart Foundation

  • Kingdom Hearts [PS2] 99p
  • GTA San Andreas [PS2] 99p
  • Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 [PS2] 99p
  • Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 [PS2] 99p
  • Mickey's Wild Adventure [PS1] 99p


  • Super Mario Land [GB] £1
  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone [GBC] £1

A quick look at the lowest e(vil)Bay BIN prices adds up to £50.98, so for less than £7 I would say it was a pretty successful raid. With car-boot season pretty much dead, I'll have to continue drip feeding from the various stores in town for now - I sure as shit ain't buying at e(vil)Bay prices.

Notable finds (not purchased)

  • Double screen Game & Watch (Mario) £30 @ British Heart Foundation 
There seems to be a huge collectors scene for these, but I am a gamer and they have next to no appeal to me. I think it was the years of abuse at the hands of the infamous Tiger LCD handheld games... fucking Space Harrier...grr

  • Donkey Konga [NGC] complete box set £19.99 @ Sue Ryder
Great condition and have been meaning to get one, however the price is way out of my 'old shit' budget.

  • Wii controller with motion plus £6 @ Cash & Cheque Shop
Genuinely don't know why I didn't buy this... twat [facepalm].

Biggest joke

  • Lost [PS3] £14.99 @ British Heart Foundation - Amazon used price £1.09
I found this particularly weird as this store is normally quite well researched, I recently chatted to the duty manager and was told they do a quick check on e(vil)Bay before pricing... I have no idea what happened here. The fact its a terrible game just makes it funnier. 

Also it was sat next to Uncharted... which was £5. 

Biggest disappointment

  • Futurama [PS2] @ British Heart Foundation  for 99p - no disc
Not the first time that this has happened, also not the first time with this game! Inside the case was Tony Hawks Pro Skater for PS1 - great game, but don't need a third copy....

Last time this happened it was more heart breaking - it was Parasite eve 2 with no disc 1...

Win of the day

  • Super Mario Land [GB]
I almost never see Gameboy games in town, especially decent ones. This game is one of the all time greats and at the bargain price of £1 it was snapped up. I promptly fired up the Super Gameboy Player on my SNES as soon as I got in.

Tune in next time I open my wallet!


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